1-2 (11-12) 2009 / 1 (13) 2010This issue starts with poems of an Irish poet, Matthew Sweeney, translated by Wojciech Maślarz. We will also find here some poetic works by Michał Filipowski, Janusz A. Kobierski, Elżbieta Juszczak and Piotr Bednarski.
Pieces of prose are presented by Mirosław G. Majewski, Łukasz Drobnik, Władysław Łazuka, and debutants: Artur Kosiorowski and Sylwia Strączewska-Kubryńska.
In the “Absent writers, forgotten books” section, Bogdan Twardochleb recalls the person of the late Katarzyna Suchodolska, a writer from Szczecin. The “Lighthouse Talks” host Jerzy Ściesiński this time, the Nestor of Arts in Kołobrzeg.
In the columns, sketches, and essays, your attention will be drawn by an extensive text by Marek Wittbrot “On Doubt and Religion”, texts by Teresa Tomsi, Wojciech Czaplewski “On the Death of Rationalists, General Cat and the Meaning of the World”, Janusz Kornel, Leszek Żuliński (continuation of the “Crossing the Borders” series), Jan Subart (continuation of the Middle-East impressions), and Anatol Ulman (“In the World of Darkness”).
The “Literary Port” brings reviews of twenty new books, including those by Artur D. Liskowacki, Jerzy Żelazny, Paweł Przywara, Teresa Ferenc, Bogdan Leobl, Jan Subart, Grzegorz Strumyk, Włodzimierz Kruszona and Dariusz Muszer. The reviews of the books by these authors are presented by Wanda Skalska, Jolanta Szwarc, Stanisław Chyczyński, Leszek Żuliński, Wojciech Czaplewski, Bogdan Twardochleb, Irmina Kosmala, Paulina Matysiak and Halina Szczepańska.
In the “Periodicals of Pomerania” section, we will find the presentation of Gdansk literary quarterly “Migotania, przejaśnienia” (“Blinks and Breaks”).
The “literary beacons” scattered all over the issue discuss writing and literature this time. Opinions of Anton Chekhov are quoted here. And at the end of the issue, next to the “Literary Post” and the index of received publications, we will find two riddles: a literary and an artistic one.
The cover and the pages inside the issue (including a few color ones) present the painting, drawings and graphics by Jerzy Ściesiński.
The poetic bookmark presents the silhouette of a young poet from Kołobrzeg, Michał Filipowski and his poem “Przedwiośnie” (“Early Spring”).
Translated into English by Robert H. Ćwik
2 (10) 2008The issue starts with three parts of the "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant translated by Andrzej Lam. The following pages include the poems of the winners of the XXXVIII Jan Śpiewak and Anna Kamieńska National Poetry Contest in Świdwin, accompanied by poems by Dominik P. Żyburtowicz, Justyna Paluch, Małgorzata Lebda, Teresa Tomsia and Henryk Romanik.
Paweł Orzeł, Paweł Jakubowski, Wojciech Maślarz and Marta Kucharska prezent their prose Works.
The “Absent writers, forgotten books” column, Teresa Tomsia recalls the silhouette of the prematurely deceased poet, Zbigniew Krupowies. In the “Lighthouse Talks” column, we can find Halina Szczepańska’s interview with Piotr Bednarski, a poet and writer from Kołobrzeg, whose book “Błękitne śniegi” (“Blue Snows”) has been translated into five European languages already.
In the columns, sketches and essays, Andrzej Lam writes about Zbigniew Herbert, Jacek Klimżyński discusses a poem by Tobiasz Grotkowski, Leszek Żuliński continues the series on “Crossing the borders”, Jan Subart presents the second part of “Middle East Impressions”. We can also find columns by Janusz Korbel, Anatol Ulman, and Jan Hyjek as well as a sketch by Krzysztof Niewrzęda on paintings by Jarosław Eysymont whose numerous works can be found within the current issue (also on the color insert).
The “Literary Port” brings reviews of new books: by father Andrzej Bohdanowicz, Elżbieta Cherezińska, Zenon Kruczyński, Krystyna Sakowicz, Krzysztof Kuczkowski, Krzysztofa Gedroyć and Leszek Szaruga. The reviews of the books are presented by Wanda Skalska, Marek Czuku, Jacek Klimżyński, Leszek Żuliński, Wojciech Czaplewski and Anatol Ulman.
In the “Writers of Pomerania” section, you will find the presentation of the literary-philosophical quarterly [fo:pa] from Szczecin.
The “literary beacons” scattered all over the issue speak about art this time. We quote opinions and remarks by G. Apollinaire, S. I. Witkiewicz, K. Malewicz and W. Strzemiński. At the end of the issue, there are two new riddles: literary and artistic.
The bookmark present the characteristic of Dominik P. Żyburtowicz and his poem „Dowody na istnienie umarłych” („Proof of existence of the dead”).
This issue is accompanied by the titles and names index for the “Lighthouse”, including the years 2006-2008 (issues 1-10).
Translated into English by Robert H. Ćwik
4 (8) 2007 / 1 (9) 2008This double issue starts with poems of Kornelia Piela, Adam Grzelec and Sławomir Elsner - winners of the "Amber Pen/Catch 2008” project. Further on, you will find pieces of prose and poetry by Marek Czuku, Jerzy Grupiński, Wojciech Kawiński. Also John a’Becket presents his poems (translated from English by W. Maślarz).
The prose section is represented by pieces by Dariusz Muszer, Artur D. Liskowacki, Aneta Jadowska, Stanisław Chyczyński, Marek Hemerling, Jacek Sawicki and a short story by the writing tandem of Robert H. Ćwik and Dariusz Kaleta.
The “Absent Writers, Forgotten Books” column presents the late poetess from Słupsk, Marta Aluchna-Emelianow. Her granddaughter writes about her.
“Lighthouse Talk” is carried out by Halina Szczepańska. This time it is an interview with a literary publisher from Szczecin – Paweł Nowakowski.
The par and essay column includes texts by: Jacek Klimżyński, Danuta Mucha, Andrzej Chludziński, Piotr Muldner-Nieckowski, Leszek Żuliński, Jerzy Marciniak, Janusz Korbel, Jan Subart, Teresa Tomsia, Anatol Ulman, Father Henryk Romanik and Jagoda Barczyńska – who familiarizes us comprehensibly with the artistic work of Dorota Stelmaszczyk-Szwed.
In the “Literary Port”, you’ll find a few reviews of new books by local and distant writers. You will find here reviews by Wanda Skalska, Wojciech Czaplewski and Marian Grześczak.
The “literary beacons" scattered in the issue are this time quotations from Stanisław Wyspiański’s letters.
The poetic bookmark presents the person and a poem by Adam Grzelec, one of the winners of the "Amber Pen/Catch 2008".
The issue is accompanied with a CD with the songs of sung poety ensemble from Kołobrzeg, called “Cisza Jak Ta” (Silence Like This).
Translated into English by Robert H. Ćwik
3 (7) 2007The issue starts with poems of Marta Kucharska, Rafał Skonieczny and Rafał Praszczałek – winners of the "Amber Pen/Catch 2008” projects.
The prose section is represented by short stories of Jerzy Pieczul and a text by writing tandem of Robert H. Ćwik and Dariusz Kaleta. And again poetry: by Vesna Dencić translated by Olga Lalić-Krowicka.
The “Absent Writers, Forgotten Books” column presents the late prose writer Zbigniew Brzozowski who died 15 years ago. Bogdan Twardochleb writes about Z. Brzozowski.
“Lighthouse Talk”: “Why do Men Kill?", former hunter Zenon Kruczyński talks to Wojciech Eichelberger.
The par and essay column includes texts by: Wojciech Czaplewski on “Herbertiada” and Jacek Klimżyński on Kołobrzeg in Mickiewicz’s writings. We also have essays by Anatol Ulman (on violent influence of civilization) and by Leszek Żuliński (on scandalists in literature). Jacek Syski familiarizes us with artistic creation of Marek Chaczek.
In the “Literary Port”, you’ll find a few reviews of new books by local and distant writers. You will find here reviews by Jerzy Grupiński, Elżbieta Juszczak, Stanisław Chyczyński and others.
In the “Periodicals of Pomerania” section we present cultural bimonthly “Pogranicza" (“Border Zones”) published in Szczecin.
The “literary beacons" scattered in the issue are this time thoughts on creativity, culture, dreams and ideas of Antoni Kępinski.
The whole issue (including the color insert) is decorated with drawings, graphics and collages by Marek Chaczyk.
The CD included in the issue contains pieces by a band from Kołobrzeg called “Banda Puchatka” (“Pooh’s Band”).
The poetic bookmark presents the person and a poem by Marta Kucharska, one of the winners of the "Amber Pen/Catch 2008" - a national project by the Literary Office in Wrocław and the City Culture Center in Kołobrzeg.
Translated into English by Robert H. Ćwik
2 (6) 2007The issue starts with poems of seven prize-winners of the last year’s J. Śpiewak and A. Kamieńska Polish Poetry Contest in Świdwin. Apart from that there is poetry by Genowefa Jakubowska-Fijałkowska and Stefan Rusin.
The border of poetry and prose is the domain of Henryk Romanik. We present short stories by Borysław Bednarski, Janursz Korbel and the prose writing duet Robert H. Ćwik and Dariusz Kaleta.
The “Absent Writers, Forgotten Books” section presents the late prose writer from Szczecin, Ryszard Dżaman who died 20 years ago.
“Lighthouse Talk” this time is with Jerzy Sosnowski, the author of the “Tak, to ten” (“Yes, That's The One") novel - based on real life in Kołobrzeg.
The columns and essays include Jacek Klimżyński’s work on fish in Gallus Anonimus’s writings, and Konrad Liskowski presents the Movie Summer in Ińsk. Linguist, Andrzej Chudziński writes about the origins of the name “Parsęta”. Anatol Ulman talks in sharp words about murdering the everyday language. Wojciech Czaplewski writes about manipulation in journalists' texts. There is also a mini-essay by Leszek Żuliński – on paradigms in literature this time.
In the “Literary Port”, you’ll find a few reviews of new books by local and distant writers. Among others, we look at Borysław Bednarski's debut in poetry, and a micro-novel "Voyage for a Masterpiece" which is discussed by Stanisław Chyczyński.
In the “Pomeranian Periodicals” we present the regional Kashubian monthly “Pomerania” issued in Gdańsk, including literary attachment "Stegna". The editor-in-chief Iwona Joć and Marek Adamkowicz discuss the history of the magazine.
The “literary beacons" scattered in the issue are this time Karol Szymanowski’s thoughts and remarks.
The whole issue (including the color insert) are decorated by artwork by Wiktor Szostało, former citizen of Kołobrzeg, now living in St. Luis (USA). The CD record attached to the issue includes the performance of “Kołobrzeg Quartet” by Michał Szostało.
The poetic bookmark presents one of the poems by Piotr Pawlak the Grand Prize winner of J. Śpiewak and A. Kamieńska Polish Poetry Contest in Świdwin.
Translated into English by Robert H. Ćwik
1 (5) 2007This issue opens with poems of a young poet, Małgorzata Lebda of Krakow. Other poets presenting their work are: Elżbieta Juszczak, Tadeusz Lira-Śliwa, Władysław Łazuka and Wiesław Uptas.
In the prose section, we included works of Waledemar Gałęzowski, Marek Adamkowicz and the writing tandem of Robert H. Ćwik and Dariusz Kaleta.
In the “Absent writers, forgotten books” column, Artur B. Liskowacki writes about late Henryk Banasiewicz, a poet from Szczecin. The “Lighthouse Interviews” column includes father Henryk Romanik’s interview with bishop Ignacy Jeż.
The columns and essays comprise texts by Jacek Klimżyński, Wojciech Czaplewski, Agata Korbel and the editor in chief of the “Lighthouse”, who writes about what threat to books can… insects be, this time. Regular columns start with Anatol Ulman’s text on Nobel Prize winners. Leszek Żuliński writes for the second time on the principles of creating good poetry. The section is closed with short remarks by Romuald Wiśniewski on his own sculptures.
Also the “Literary Port” brings new materials. We have here, among others, reviews of new poetry volumes by Piotr Bednarski, Ryszard Ulicki and Wiesław Uptas as well as a novel by Jerzy Sosnowski “Tak to ten” (That’s the one) set in Kołobrzeg. We will also find reviews by Stanisław Chyczyński and Jerzy Grupiński.
At the end, we find a mini-anthology of poetic goofs at the A. Kamieńska and J. Śpiewak Poetry Contenst in Świdwin. We present the social and cultural magazine “Miesięcznik” (Monthly) issued in Koszalin. The periodical is presented by the editor in chief Maria Ulicka.
“Literary beacons” scattered around the issue are this time thoughts and aphorisms by Stefan Kisielewski.
The whole issue (including the color insert) is decorated with the works of Romuald Wiśniewski, a sculptor from Kołobrzeg.
The bookmark attached to the issue presents the silhouette and the poem “Man creates woman” by Małgorzata Lebda.
Translated into English by Robert H. Ćwik
4/2006This issue starts with the presentation of four sheets with poems by runners-up of “Amber Pen/Fishing 2007” – national project hosted by the Municipal Culture Center in Kołobrzeg and Literary Office in Wrocław, and some poems written by authors discovered thanks to this project: Julia Szychowiak, Kajetan Herdyński, Tomasz Ważny and Kamil Zając. There are also poems by Jerzy Utkin, a poet from Piła.
Pieces of prose are presented by: Anatol Ulman, Jan Hyjek, Jerzy Żelazny, and Robert. H. Ćwik with Dariusz Kaleta.
The “Absent writers, forgotten books” column recalls Gracjan Bojar-Fijałkowski, a writer from Koszalin, who died 22 years ago. The “Lighthouse Talks” column includes Halina Szczepańska’s interview with Artur Burszta – manager and owner of the Literary Office in Wrocław.
The par and essay column includes texts by several authors. Janusz Korbel, protector of environment, wrote “Silence onself”. Henryk Romanik, a priest and a poet, shares his reflections. Jacek Klimżyński finds marine motifs in Jan Kochanowski’s output. Anna Ciciak prepared a report concerning book reading among children and youth in West Pomerania. Professor Andrzej Lam reproduces the complicated history of Zbigniew Herbert’s poem “From the top of stairs”. The column is closed with Katarzyna Pechman’s text on the seventh anniversary of “Herbertiada” in Kołobrzeg.
Also the “Literary Port” brings new materials. There are, among others, reviews of new books: by father H. Romanik (“Jews in Koszalin”), selection of legends by Jerzy Żelazny, poetic tomes of Artur D. Liskowacki and Małgorzata Bętkowska and the latest novel by Piotr Bednarski “Uroboros Transport”. The last book is commented upon by Leszek Żuliński.
At the end we present a literary notebook “Ślad” (Trace) issued in Słupsk. The periodical is presented by the editor in chief Wesław S. Ciesielski.
“Literary beacons” scattered all over the issue concern book reading.
The whole issue is decorated by reproductions of paintings by a Kołobrzeg artist Dariusz Kaleta.
The bookmark attached to the issue presents the silhouette and the poem “Gaugin. Reproduction” by Kajetan Herdyński.
Translated into English by Robert H. Ćwik
3/2006This issue starts with poetry of three out of seven finalists of the all. Polish project of the Town Culture Center in Kołobrzeg and Literary Office in Wrocław “Bursztynowe Pióro / Połów 2007” („Amber Pen / Catch 2007”: Monika Mosiewicz, Konrad Ciok and Tomasz Fijałkowski. There are also poems by Zbigniew Jasina and Agata J. Stankiewicz of Kołobrzeg.
The prose part is represented by: two short stories by Artur D. Liskowacki from Szczecin and a writing duo from Kołobrzeg: Robert H. Ćwik with Dariusz Kaleta. We have also included a radio-play by Piotr Müldner-Nieckowski ”Pass to Heaven” – the first broadcast took place in May this year in Radio Szczecin.
We also remind of a poet from Kołobrzeg Stanisław Wasyl who hasn’t published a book for a dozen years now. The issue also includes a very interesting interview with Prof. Marian Rębkowski, an archeologist, run by Halina Szczepańska.
In the columns and essays section we have four pieces of writing. Wojciech Czaplewski writes on “Post-modernism, arguing with the God and a certain philosopher from Słupsk”, Janusz Korbel writes about a Buddhist view on nature protection, Jacek Klimżyński recalls the history of the M. Borzymowski marine award, and Lech M. Jakób tells about his attitude towards books.
Apart from that we have the “Literary Port” with reviews of new editions, including books by Piotr Bednarski, Izabela Fietkiewicz-Paszek and Krzysztof S. Rutkowski from Koszalin. There is a literary post and a quarterly review of cultural events. At the end we also make our readers familiar with a literary and art bimonthly “Autograf” issued in Gdańsk. The magazine is presented by Andrzej K. Waśkiewicz, editor-in-chief.
The “literary beacons” scattered in the issue deal with stupidity. The quoted opinions come from Polish writers.
The whole issue is decorated with graphics by an artist from Kołobrzeg, Renata Cebula-Fenn.
The bookmark attached to the issue presents the silhouette of a young poet Konrad Ciok and his poem “Broken scene”.
Translated into English by Robert H. Ćwik
2/2006The first issue of the Pomeranian literary and art magazine “The Lighthouse” was published in January 2006. The editorial board wants to keep the quarterly cycle. At the same time, a Web page was created under this address: . The magazine is published in Kołobrzeg and it stresses the cultural bond with the sea. First of all it popularizes the works of artists and writers living in the Pomeranian region. However, it is present in the whole country.
It publishes poetry, prose, critical essays and notes, graphics, and has a review section. It reminds of forgotten writers, announces more important local cultural and artistic events.
The first issue included poetry by Piotr Müldner-Nieckowski, Jolanta Stelmasiak and Agnieszka Dębek, a fragment of prose by Piotr Bednarski, titled “Voyages for a piece of art”, a short linguistic essay by Andrzej Chludziński, explaining the name of Kołobrzeg, essays: by Jacek Klimżyński on marine motifs in the early writings by Adam Mickiewicz and by Lech M. Jakób on books. Also the profile of a forgotten writer, Jerzy Pieczul, was presented. There was also a conversation with Kazimierz Obuchowski, a professor of psychology. A dozen of books were discussed, including some by Kolobrzeg writers: Agata Stankiewicz, Jan Lechowski, Beata Mieczkowska-Miśtak and a novel about Kołobrzeg “You Can’t Live Someone Else’s Life” by Włodzimierz Kruszona. The issue presented more than thirty graphics by Dariusz Mazur.
The present, second issue, starts with poetry by Henryk Romanik, a priest, referring to the first anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II. There are also poems by: debuting Borysław Bednarski, Maciej Mikos – winner of Jan Śpiewak and Anna Kamieńska Polish Poetry Competition in Świdwin, and late Henryk Livor-Piotrowski, who passed away in January this year.
Piotr Müldner-Nieckowski publishes short stories from the period of the Marshall Law. Halina Szczepańska has an interview with Giovanni Castellanos of Columbia directing a play based on the prose by G. G. Marquez at the Baltic Drama Theater in Koszalin. A profile of Czesław Foryś, a writer from Kołobrzeg, deceased six years ago is reminded. There are also essays: by Jacek Klimżyński on the poetical and artistic group of the seventies, called “Reda”, by Janusz Korbel on the relationships between nature and culture, by Leszek Żuliński on the principles of writing good poems.
Morover, the “Literary Port” section includes presentations of new books – including the almanac of the Association of Poets in Kołobrzeg and a collection of poems by Eugeniusz Koźminski. After “Topos”, a bimonthly, an accasional writing initiative magazine called “Łabuź” is presented. The whole issue is illustrated with graphics by Krzysztof Ramocki.
The second issue of the “Lighthouse” is accompanied by a poetic bookmark by Borysław Bednarski with the poem “The Last Catch”.
Translated into English by Robert H. Ćwik